My name is Nibaldo Calvo Buides, a Cuban chess master with international rating, with more than 10 years of experience in coaching, and now, I will teach chess in Louisville, Kentucky (USA).
I will start with basic level courses through personalized classes and in groups, according to the interests of students.
I will start with basic level courses through personalized classes and in groups, according to the interests of students.
Classes will be scheduled and dosed once a week, with duration of one hour, with recommendations for self-study. This is the rate:
1 Student = $30 per hour
2 Students = $20 each per hour
3 Students = $15 each per hour
4 - 8 Students = $10 each per hour
3415 Bardstown Road.
Suite 209 A.
Louisville, Kentucky (USA)
* chess involves critical thinking
* chess cultivates visualization skills
* chess improves problem solving skills
* chess teaches concentration and self-discipline
* chess rewards determination and perseverance
* chess raises self-esteem
* chess promotes good sportsmanship
* chess encourages socialization skills that extend across cultures and generations
* chess is life
Learning chess is easy and funny!
Now is your time to develop the skills that will benefit you in the schools and in your life.
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