I International Women Chess Tournament "Hotel Venetur Margarita"
The State Chess Association of New Sparta (Asoajedrene), Venezuela, reports the completion of the I International Women Chess Tournament "Hotel Venetur Margarita" 25 to January 29, 2012 in the Conference Room “Manzanillo” of the prestigious “Hotel Venetur Margarita” located in Porlamar, Margarita Island, Venezuela. Endorsed by the Venezuelan Federation of Chess (FVA), valid for the National and International Rating.
International Group: Tournament Open to players with ELO FIDE + SE NES.
Capacity up to 40 participants.
Swiss System 9 rounds with pace of play for each player 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment for every move made.
The rounds are the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 pm Players from 7 countries: Argentina, Barbados, Cuba, Jamaica, Panama, Trinidad & Tobago and Venezuela (Other countries to be confirmed).
Referee: A.F. Russell Smith (TRI) and Assistant Referee: A.N. Carlos Espinoza (SUC).
Tiebreakers systems: a) Progressive, b) Buchholz c) Middle Buchholz. Awards: 1st. Location: Cup, 2nd. and 3rd. Place: Trophy, 4th. the 10th.Location: Medals. Registration: U.S. $ 50.
Lcdo. Ulises Hernández B.
Presidente de Asoajedrene
Instructor FIDE
MSN: asoajedrene@hotmail.com
Isla de Margarita, Estado Nueva Esparta.
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